Tag Archives: sparse
Relating brain anatomy and cognitive ability using a multivariate multimodal framework

Linking structural neuroimaging data from multiple modalities to cognitive performance is an important challenge for cognitive neuroscience. In this study we examined the relationship between verbal fluency performance and neuroanatomy in 54 patients with frontotemporal degeneration (FTD) and 15 age-matched … Continue reading
Sparse Dimensionality Reduction for Medical Imaging
The complex and high-dimensional nature of medical images makes them difficult to incorporate into traditional linear model-based statistical analysis. One way of simplifying analysis of medical images is to use a dimensionality reduction technique. We designed a dimensionality reduction technique … Continue reading
Sparse Regression for Medical Images
Our paper on sparse regression for predicting cognitive performance from cortical thickness was published at Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI) 2013. We developed a method for performing regression on brain images in a way that respects the natural structure … Continue reading