Author Archives: bkandel | More about bkandel
Multi-Modal Dimensionality Reduction
Single-Subject Cortical Structural Networks
ANTs Perfusion Processing
We have recently updated ANTs to perform processing of perfusion ASL images. The pipeline is designed to be consistent with the antsCorticalThickness pipeline for computing cortical thickness and incorporates state-of-the-art methods for correcting for motion and other confounds. Learn more … Continue reading
Sparse Dimensionality Reduction for Medical Imaging
The complex and high-dimensional nature of medical images makes them difficult to incorporate into traditional linear model-based statistical analysis. One way of simplifying analysis of medical images is to use a dimensionality reduction technique. We designed a dimensionality reduction technique … Continue reading
Sparse Regression for Medical Images
Our paper on sparse regression for predicting cognitive performance from cortical thickness was published at Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI) 2013. We developed a method for performing regression on brain images in a way that respects the natural structure … Continue reading
We have been developing a framework to incorporate ITK and ANTs-based image processing methods into the R programming language to allow for interactive statistical analysis of medical images. R provides the most complete and current selection of statistical tools, including … Continue reading