Jue Wu (John)

headshot1 Jue Wu (John)
Research Overview
My research has been mainly focused on pediatric brain image analysis for fetuses, neonates, young children and adolescents. I adapt and apply mathematical modeling and image processing tools to pediatric datasets, which are challenging data due to their low signal to noise ratio, low resolution with regard to child brain and dynamic structure and function during development. I study the structural neurodevelopment of at risk fetuses and neonates with congenital heart defects, which adversely affect brain growth and maturation. I have also been working on effects of socioeconomic status on brains of healthy neonates, young children and adolescents. I’m also involved in non-pediatric projects, such as epilepsy surgery planning, rodent brain, lung image segmentation and hippocampus segmentation.
Major Research Projects
 Consortium on brain MRI of neonates with CHD – An international consortium with more than 10 hospitals around the globe to standardize CHD brain research nomenclature,   sequences and image analysis tools. Collaboration with Dr. Daniel Licht.
– Socioeconomic status (SES) and hippocampus – A cohort study to look at the relation between SES and whole/regional hippocampal volume in typically developing children with age from 4 to 18 years. This project is part of a larger study led by Prof. Martha Farah.
Surgical planning in epilepsy – A clinical study aiming to improve the visualization of implanted electrode, assist better surgical planning and aid in more accurate resection. Collaboration with Prof. Brian Litt and his lab and Dr. Chengyuan Wu at Jefferson University.
– Quantitative CT measurement of air trapping – A large study of 2 lung CT imaging methods to compare their efficacy as biomarker for brochiolitis obliterans syndrome complicating lung transplantation
– Longitudinal CT study on acute lung injury in a rat model using landmark-based deformable registration. Collaboration with Dr. Rahim Rizi.
What’s New?
– Recently we addressed the problem of the lack of neonatal template with cortical parcelation.
– Our research suggests that there may be a gestational signature of poverty.
Education and Post-Graduate Training
2003 – BSc. in Computer Science,  Fudan University
2008 – PhD in Bioengineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
2009 – Postdoc in Radiology at Penn Image Computing and Science Lab, University of Pennsylvania
Select journal and conference publications