Philip Cook



My primary research interests are in pipelines for multi-modal MRI studies of the brain. I approach from two perspectives. As a software developer, I contribute to Camino, ANTs and ANTsR, and PipeDream. As an imaging scientist, I use these and other tools in studies of dementia, stress neurobiology and traumatic brain injury.
More about me
My Google Scholar pageGitHub and SourceForge.
A list of posts by me on this site.
Some other tools I use: ITK-SNAP (for pretty much everything), DTI-TK (DTI registration and Tract Specific Analysis, example), MRIcron (mostly for Dicom to NIfTI conversion).
University College London

  • BSc astrophysics 2000
  • MSc computer science 2001
  • PhD computer science 2006

My thesis work focused on the development of parametric methods to estimate uncertainty in probabilistic tractography using multi-fiber reconstruction techniques, and methods to maintain even spherical coverage during diffusion acquisition. The implementation is available in the Camino toolkit.